ScrabBot is a wonderful tool that will help you solve any scrabble anagram in seconds. This application is very customizable and features a simple but not very attractive user interface. You can choose from three types of appearances (standard, compact or vertical) and different available skins. It is available in English and French, includes two English dictionaries to choose from. You can check any word definition you want in online dictionaries, which means that you can also learn while you play scrabble. The program will find all possible words with the letters you have on the rack and on the board. You can even specify the number of blank spaces you have (0-2) and the position of the existing letters or sequence of letters (at the beginning, at the end, anywhere, or exact position). It also enables you to select desired the length of the words, or set it to show all the possible words or the longest words only. The program will shows all the words found by length in a window at your right with their definition, and you can stop the search whenever you want. The demo version offers some limitations regarding the length of words and shown results .